Saint Christopher's Driver's Prayer Bracelet

SKU: BR-521
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Stay safe while traveling with a Saint Christopher Drivers Prayer bracelet. Guard your loved ones protected them with a St. Christopher Drivers Prayer bracelet. This 6mm beaded bracelet measures 6.85" and comes with the prayer card as shown.

A Drivers Prayer

Dear Lord—before I take my place

Today behind the wheel,

Please let me come with humble heart

Before Thy throne to kneel

And pray, that I am fit to drive

Each busy thoroughfare,

And that I keep a watchful eye

Lest some small child be there.

And keep me thinking constantly

About the Golden Rule

When driving past the playground zone

Or by some busy school

Then when I stop to give someone

His right to cross the street,

Let me, my brother's keeper be

And spare a life that's sweet.

Please make me feel this car I drive

You gave me to enjoy,

And that its purpose is to serve

Mankind, but not destroy.

Size Guide

Gemstone Bracelet Size Guide:
Small 7"
Medium 7.5"
Large 8"